Ashley TobiasComment

How Remote Workers Have Integrated Cannabis Into Their Work

Ashley TobiasComment
How Remote Workers Have Integrated Cannabis Into Their Work

Since the start of the pandemic, as more and more people work from home, there’s been an adjustment in “at work” activities” from what we wear to comfort animals to the consumption of performance-enhancing drugs, think coffee with a side of cannabis.

In September of 2021, American Marijuana shared the results of a 1001 person survey on employees who work remotely and their subsequent cannabis usage while on the job. The study found that 15% of remote employees admit to working under the influence of marijuana. Of this 15%, it was also noteworthy that 41% of these workers were part of a new generation of workers, between the ages of 20-29, and 45% were white-collar workers. 

The culture and stigma around marijuana is ever-changing. Most companies prohibit cannabis use both on and off the job, regularly drug-testing their employees, whereas many companies have developed more of a “laissez-faire” policy when it comes to their workers’ indulgences. With an increase in legalization and a subsequent decrease in stigma around cannabis, it’s no surprise that 42% of those surveyed suspected their coworkers or boss were high during their workday. 

This begs the question: were workers always using cannabis while at work, or is this behavior new? 44.2% of remote workers reported that they believed their marijuana usage at work has increased since the start of the pandemic, 30.4% even reporting that recreational use on their own time has increased as well. 52.7% report that their first time using cannabis while working from home was post-pandemic. 

The Perceived Benefits of Cannabis at Work

With the increase in numbers of those remote workers who indulge, it’s logical to wonder what benefits this behavior provides them. 30% of THC-using workers reported an increase in their confidence, 31% said it decreased their boredom, 53% said it decreased their anxiety, and 54% said it both increased their productivity, and most importantly, creativity.

What does this tell us? American Marijuana’s study shows that, well, cannabis is important. THC is a unique substance which provides comfort and increases important components to a worker’s wellbeing. Creativity is the backbone of progress and productivity- without creativity, we would lack emergence of new great ideas.

This study also shows us that cannabis usage at work is for more than just artists and people with jobs in typically associated “creative industries.” White collar workers reporting increases in productivity while using cannabis proves that you can find the perfect balance between professionalism and marijuana usage.

Should you get high at work? Well, what really depends on you. The impact that cannabis has on you as an individual is more important than the results of a survey. The variables to consider are biochemistry and reaction to cannabis, the varied work activities you may perform, and your ability to be productive in some or all of those activities while on cannabis.

If you find yourself being more creative while you use marijuana, it may benefit you to integrate cannabis into the part of your workday that you do creative thinking, brainstorming or ideation - or to use cannabis after the workday, to reflect on the day and in some sense, get a second opinion from yourself.

And as long as your home, you may wan to cultivate your own products. here is a comprehensive guide to growing cannabis at home