A Short Guide Psilocybin Mushrooms Strains

Psilocybin is a naturally occuring psychedelic compound found in certain species of fungi, but don't go grabbing any old mushroom you see on your hike and hope for the best. Only specific types of "magic mushrooms" have been known to contain the good stuff, Psilocybin. It's like a love-letter to your brain, structurally similar to serotonin and binding to the same receptors to create a whole host of trippy effects. When microdosing, it can make you more present and more lucid, when ingested in multiple grams, you can expect a mind-bending journey through altered perceptions, emotions, and thoughts. But hold up, different varieties of psilocybin have been known to have different effects, just like with weed. So choose wisely, folks!
However, unlike cannabis with only three species varying between sativa, indica, and ruderalis, there have been almost 200 known species of psilocybin worldwide. Even further, these different species can be developed into different strains with varying potency, just as you’d find with different strains of cannabis. Tripsitter explains the difference between species and strain as, “A species is a biological family of organisms within a single kingdom, and a strain is a genetic variant of a species that produces noticeable differences in characteristics.” For example, the most common of these species would be Psyilocybe cubensis, which alone have over 100 different strains based on their potency. Potency can range from Average, to above average, to potent, and then at the highest, very potent.
Our average P. cubensis strain will range 10-12mg of active compound per dried mushroom. However, some strains have much higher potency. Very potent strains typically produce deep euphoria with the strongest psychoactive effects. Potent strains are known for a slightly more physical high with a slightly lower concentration of psilocybin than the very potent strains. Above-average strains generate milder experiences with clarity and happy feelings, and can even promote focus. An average psilocybin strain can boost creativity and relaxation, and are typically most ideal for beginners and microdosing.
20 Strains Explained - Divided by Potency
5 Very Potent Psilocybin strains
1- Penis Envy (PE): One of the highest potency strains of psilocybin, Penis Envy and its relatives fall under the Very Potent category due to their high content of psilocybin. Some varieties include Albino Penis Envy, Penis Envy Uncut, Penis Envy #6, and Trans Penis Envy. Users of Penis Envy mushrooms have reported feelings of euphoria and visual distortion.
2- Jedi Mind Fuck (JMF): The Star Wars inspired name for this strain of mushroom comes from the powerful hallucinogenic ability of this shroom. JMF mushrooms are reported to be a bit more difficult to cultivate, as they are not as contamination resistant as some other strains of Psilocybin mushrooms. Users of JMF have reported feelings of euphoria and introspection paired with visual and auditory hallucinations.
3- Melmac: The Melmac mushrooms are a strain of mushroom closely related to the Penis Envy strains, said to be comparable to the original Penis Envy mushrooms of the 1970s. Compared to these original PE mushrooms, the Melmacs have contorted stems and wavy caps, as they’re totally groovy, dude. Between two and 3.5 grams of Melmac’s is considered a moderate dosage.
4- White Rabbit: Just like in Alice in Wonderland, “following” the White Rabbit might lead you to visual experiences unlike anything you’ve seen. The White Rabbit strain was created using genetics from the Albino Penis Envy and Moby Dick strains of psilocybin. The trip is reported to be introspective with enticing visual hallucinations. Users of the White Rabbit strain report falling deeper into the hole of their own awareness.
5- Orissa India: Known and highly sought after due to the record sizes of the mushrooms it produces, the Orissa India strain of P. cubensis were discovered in Odisha, India, previously known as Orissa, which is where it gets its namesake. Users of Orissa India report a more intense experience than most strains, due to its unusually high content of tryptamine.
5 Potent Psilocybin Strains
1- Albino A+: Although not technically a true albino due to the pigmentation where they spore, the effects of this strain can produce comparable effects to other albino strains. The trip on Albino A+ is notorious for starting faster than most, on average kicking in about 20 or 30 minutes faster than other strains. Consumers of this shroom report it has a notable… taste; a distinctive mushroomy taste that many have reported not to have enjoyed.
2- Florida (F+): When you think of Florida, you think of crazy. This F+ strain which causes intense visual effects paired with deep philosophical insight is aptly named. This strain hails from the swampy Everglades region of Florida. The shrooms are typically brown-capped with white speckling, and notably don’t lose much size after being dried for consumption.
3- Huautla (Oaxaca): This strain is named due to its origin of growth in Huautla de Jimenez, a small village located in Oaxaca, Mexico. These mushrooms are tall and thin and have a uniquely shaped cap. Users of this strain report a heavy cerebral trip with doses around 2g, with less visual distortion. This strain has been recommended for both healing and spiritual journeys.
4- Koh Samui: Thailand’s Koh Samui strain of mushrooms are native to the Koh Samui island and have historically been used in traditional healing ceremonies. The fast-growing, contaminant-resistant strain of mushrooms are commonly used in traditional Thai medicine in order to treat ailments such as fatigue, anxiety, and depression. The high from these mushrooms is reported to be euphoric and high energy, due to a higher content of tryptamine.
5- Tidal Wave: The 2021 Psilocybin Cup winner for highest potency is still sometimes considered a less potent strain that others. However, they earned their title due to strong visual hallucinations with euphoric feelings while still being able to maintain mental clarity. Tidal wave is popular as a mood enhancer and is also commonly used in microdoses due to its depression-fighting abilities.
5 Average Psilocybin Strains
1- Blue Meanies: Blue Meanies is a more commonly discussed mushroom strain, but actually grows as a strain of the species P. cyanescens rather than P. cubensis. They are typically believed to have two to three times the psilocybin found in your average P. cubensis strain. The hallucinogenic effects of this mushroom have been reported to come on quickly due to higher contents of psilocin than psilocybin.
2- Pink Buffalo: Originally found in Thailand, Pink Buffalo were allegedly discovered growing in a field where buffalo were grazing. The potency of Pink Buffalo are considered to be very “middle of the road,” producing effects of insight, euphoria, and some visual hallucination in higher dosages. The high from this strain of mushroom has also reported to be notably kinder, and gentle compared to other strains of Psilocybe cubensis.
3- Lizard King: An unusual report of psychedelic mushrooms found growing on wood led to the discovery of the Lizard King strain of mushroom. Believed to be discovered in rural Northern Mexico, an anonymous mycologist gave it its name. Both closed and open eye visuals have been reported by users of this strain, notably lacking a body high, focusing on a clean, calm, inward-focusing trip experience.
4- Yeti: An internet-famous mycologist who goes by the screenname Jik Fibs is credited with developing this strain. Morphologically similar to True Albino Teachers, they tend to have higher concentrations of psilocybin if grown in the dark. The effects have been reported to be similar to that of the Albino Teachers, and are often popular with those looking to switch things up without straying too far from what they know.
5- PF Redspore: Psilocybe Fanaticus Redspore or PF Redspore has milder psychedelic effects, and in low doses won’t produce hallucinogenic effects. However, PF Redspore users have reported stronger body effects, causing feelings of either lethargy or intense energy. On the more mild side in psychedelic effects, PF Redspore might be a better choice for many people beginning their journey exploring psilocybin usage.
5 Average Strains
1- Golden teacher: Probably one of the most discussed strain of mushroom, Golden Teachers are known as a good strain for beginners due to its easier growability, in addition to its “gentle” nature. They are often considered the baseline in potency for magic mushroom strains. One of the easiest mushrooms to acquire, many spore kits and various other methods of obtaining Golden Teachers are readily available.
2- Bix Mex: Believed to share lineage with the ceremonial mushrooms of the Aztecs, Bix Mex mushrooms are known for their manageable and reliable potency. Users of Bix Mex mushrooms report feelings of enhanced creativity as well as euphoria and mild visual hallucinations. Due to the happy and energetic effects of this strain, it is a reliable option for social situations and explorations of the creative world.
3- Wollongong: First found in Southern Australia in the Illawarra region, the Wollongong magic mushrooms are regarded for having a lower potency which makes them easier on beginners in psychedelic experiences. Bodily vibrations, euphoria, and insight have all been reported effects of usage of this strain. Users of this strain have also reported that the high feels “clean,” leading to feelings of open-mindedness, with visual distortions being described as “paisley.”
4- Gulf Coast: Originating in Mississippi, the Gulf Coast strain of mushroom typically yields larger than average sized fruit. They’re noted to not be particularly strong, but still produce impressive effects, benefitting those who are looking for a less intense experience with psilocybin, or trying it for the first time. It is known to have similar effects as the Golden Teacher strain.
5- Panama: The Panamanian mushroom strain actually originated growing in a garden of a hotel in Panama City. Users of this strain reported relief from symptoms of depression, and deeper understanding about love. For a first time user, this strain has been reported to leave you feeling cleansed, understanding, and euphoric.
No matter where you are on your psychedelic journey, it is important to make informed decisions about what you choose to consume, and proceed with caution when trying out new substances, even if it just a new strain. A typical ‘microdose’ experience can range anywhere from .15-.75g, a moderate dose around 3.5g, and any larger doses producing intense effects. Remember to start out small and always keep yourself safe.