Experimenting with LSD and Mushrooms to Enhance Creative Thinking

There is quite a revival in using psychedelic drugs to trigger non-ordinary states of consciousness and elevate creative thinking. Recently popularized by the best-selling book 'Change Your Mind" by Michael Pollan, it seems like all you hear about is some tech entrepreneurs dreaming up their next big idea on Mushrooms (psilocybin).
Classic psychedelic substances such as LSD and psilocybin have been consumed recreationally, spiritually, and sometimes even for mental health. Many people who use these drugs for life enhancement have reported numerous benefits, lasting long after the drug effects have worn off.
A 2019 study from the University of Toronto on micro-dosing psychedelic substances supported this ideal in their conclusions. The study noted that people who micro-dosed psychedelic drugs scored lower in "dysfunctional attitudes" and higher in categories such as creativity and open-mindedness than a control group who had not micro-dosed.
More recently, A study from Maastricht University in the Netherlands connected Psilocybin compounds to creativity, once again. The study, published in 2021, did find that psilocybin can impair creative skills during usage, but it inspires long-term creative thinking during sober states after the initial effects of the substance have subsided.
While there is a boon in recent research around the impact of psychedelic drugs on creative thinking, impactful clinical studies on the subject go back over 70 years. Experiments using LSD were conducted during the late 1950s, connecting psychedelic use and artistic creativity. Artists given the substance were asked to participate in a drawing and painting exercises. Many artists cited significant creative breakthroughs and reaching new heights in imagination, resulting from LSD.
Creative Culture
With all the scientific evidence linking psychedelic usage to creativity, and many creative people speaking frankly about these experiences, it make sense that many of today's artists are experimenting with these substances. Our research found an article from PopDust Magazine that put together a list of notable musicians who attribute some of their creative breakthroughs to indulging psychoactives.
The PopDust list includes groundbreaking artists like The Beatles, attributing changes in their relationships and view of God to experiences while taking LSD. John Coltrane, the iconic Jazz musician, cited spiritual and artistic growth due to his regular LSD usage. The Doors' Jim Morrisson was a prolific LSD user, inspiring many of his poetry-fueled lyrics.
This substance has usage that spans genres, and it does not take a leap of faith to imagine how much of the music on Spotify has been influenced by hallucinogenic drugs. If we removed psychedelics from our culture, many of the great works in Rap, Pop, Hip-hop, Classic Rock, Indie music, and even Jazz would be gone if some of those genres would hardly exist at all.
Many people's familiarity with psychedelic substances comes from what they absorb on the topic through media. Substances like LSD and Psilocybin have been seen in film, television, music, social media, and even literature. Many people may have retained ideas about these substances that aren't accurate. In January of this year, Rolling Stone shared an article explaining and debunking some common misconceptions about psychedelics.
Rolling Stone makes a point to discuss the breadth of the types of psychedelics that exist, our Western society knowing of over 100 species of just psychedelic mushrooms alone. Although, they also make it essential to point out that many people have false expectations surrounding how psychedelic usage will impact them as a person.
Rolling Stone dictates that experts refer to the inaccurate belief that psychedelics help facilitate being a peaceful person as a "false promise." This doesn't mean that psychedelics can't help you become a more peaceful person, instead stating that "taking psychedelics will not inherently make someone better at things they do not already know how to do well." So if you want to utilize psychedelics along your self-improvement journey, you have to work on those skills separately from the substance usage.
Safety First
If you are going to experiment, be smart in your approach. Start with lower doses and work your way up to what feels comfortable. While you can't easily overdose on psychedelics, you can definitely do something stupid when judgment is impaired. So no operating heavy machinery!
Remember, where there’s an open mind there is always a frontier. Used responsibly, psychedelic drugs are an excellent way to challenge default thinking, get past the ego and open up the creative mind. If you are just starting to experiment and need further guidance, Pysche.co shares a guide which you can refer to in order to ensure a positive experience. (https://psyche.co/guides/how-to-have-a-safe-psychedelic-trip).
Have a safe trip, and good luck on your journey to enhance your creative mind.