Pilgrim SoulComment

6 Ways to Create Your Perfect Creative Home Office

Pilgrim SoulComment
6 Ways to Create Your Perfect Creative Home Office


Common misconceptions have portrayed creativity as an innate gift, but true creative thinkers have come to understand that creativity is more so a skill than a talent. Anyone can have a natural predisposition towards creativity. However, creativity is also a skill that anyone can learn to cultivate and grow over time. While there are undoubtedly creative geniuses, who were natural-born prodigies, many of the creative geniuses that society has come to revere often honed their creative thinking skills over a lifetime. 

Because creative thinking is a mindset that can be continually strengthened over time, there are small and simple ways of actively encouraging this creative thinking, especially while living in a society that discourages it. Perhaps, one of the simplest ways to encourage everyday creative thinking is to establish a physical space in one’s home where one can feel free to be their authentic creative selves in order to develop creative projects. These physical spaces can be designed in a way that enhances one’s natural creativity and curiosity. Eventually, these spaces can help creative thinkers use their creative muscles daily and help to make creative thinking a more natural and easily accessible mindset.

Establishing a designated creative space in one’s home is a way of further stimulating one’s creativity. A well-designed creative space can help creative thinkers focus on their work no matter the distractions coming from the outside world. And while simply designing a creative space will not suddenly enhance one’s creativity overnight, a creative space can help individuals nurture their natural skills and build up their creativity in unimaginable ways. These six tips to creating the perfect creative space can ultimately help creative thinkers manifest their creativity into the real world. 


 1.     Personalize Your Space

A creative space should be completely personal and individualized. These spaces should be designed in a way that directly reflect the taste and values of the creative thinker. Creative spaces that are entirely personalized help to reinforce the idea of personal uniqueness. By filling creative spaces with personal touches and meaningful objects, a creative thinker can filter out the opinions of others and gain a deeper understanding of their personality, interests, and ultimately, of themselves. A creative space should reflect one specific individual and by designing it in such a personal way, one will be constantly reminded of their individuality and creativity anytime they look anywhere within their workspace.

2.     Fill Your Space with Inspiration

Whether it’s a painting, photo, or poem, every creative thinker should look to try and fill their creative space with objects that bring them inspiration and joy. A creative thinker should focus on creating an environment that sparks their curiosity and ignites their imagination. In a room full of personal inspiration, it would be rather difficult for creative thinkers to feel stuck or idealess. In the long run, surrounding oneself with inspiration is a simple way of staying continually motivated even in the face of frustration. Filling one’s creative space with inspiration can be a visual way of reminding oneself of one’s current goals and of the future achievements hoping to be reached.

3.     Design for Maximum Comfort

There’s no doubt that creative thinkers spend a substantial amount of time in their creative spaces alone. Therefore, it is important to create a space that allows creative thinkers the luxury to spend such an untraceable amount of time within these often-confined spaces. This can only be achieved by designing a space that caters to the desired comfort level of the creative thinker. Invest in decent furniture and build a space that one looks forward to spending time in, instead of a space that one looks forward to leaving. Creative thinkers need a space that feels safe and comfortable. It is when creative thinkers feel uninhibited and let their mental guards down, that the most innovative of ideas are born. Therefore, creating a comfortable creative space can only help sand ease along the creative process.

4.     Surround Yourself with Stress Relievers

Living a creative lifestyle can at times be stressful. The more frustrated a creative thinker grows during the creative process, the more likely that they will struggle to complete their creative work. A creative space with easily accessible stress relievers can help creative thinkers work through their feelings of irritation or discouragement without abandoning the project entirely. Having access to immediate stress relievers while working within their creative space can help creative thinkers avoid feeling burnt out or overwhelmed. A creative space with strategically placed stress relievers is essential to help creative thinkers re-focus the mind and maintain the passion for their work.

5.     Establish a No Interruptions Zone

A well-designed creative space, even if it’s within one’s home, is designed to help block out any distractions or interruptions. A creative space is meant to help creative thinkers progress on their projects and unfortunately, outside interruptions will not help make this process any easier. When a person enters their creative space, they should ultimately be entering an entirely new world. It is important to establish boundaries that help make the creative space a peaceful place where one can think deeply. By minimizing distractions from the outside world, creative thinkers will be able to better focus on their work and possibly enter a creative flow while doing so.

6.     Keep Your Creative Space Alive

Because a creative space should reflect the creative thinker, one’s creative space will never truly be complete. As long as the creative thinker continues to grow and enhance their creative thinking skills, the creative space will always need updating. Not only is this natural, but it is preferred as it is a sign that one is indeed strengthening their creative muscles. Therefore, don’t plan on creating a creative space that is finite. Instead, plan to allow the creative space to change, grow and coincide with your creative journey.