Pilgrim Soul1 Comment

25 Best Highdeas of February

Pilgrim Soul1 Comment
25 Best Highdeas of February

25 Best Highdeas of February: The Most Ingenious Thoughts and Realizations While High

Cannabis is known to inspire ideation, often helping to turn people into deep thinkers and brainstormers. Consuming cannabis, however, can have varying effects on the mind, especially in terms of thinking and reflection. In some people, cannabis may help them focus on a single idea by allowing them to look at the idea from seemingly different perspectives. These people, after consuming cannabis, may come to understand their own ideas in an entirely new depth. However, other cannabis consumers may experience a wandering mind that is unable to focus on one single idea. These people tend to be prone to long and random tangents of thoughts that fluctuate in importance. 

Either way, cannabis often allows for people to connect unrelated concepts in unexpected ways which can sometimes lead to innovation. Other times, these ideas, so-often inspired by cannabis, can lead to what is commonly called Highdeas. Cannabis consumers can attest that, at the moment, highdeas seem like bursts of clarity, like truly million-dollar ideas. These ideas often present themselves in ways that make people think they’ve randomly stumbled upon brilliance. Mind-blowing and bone-tingling are but a few ways in which these highdeas are described by cannabis users. 

Highdeas are ideas, realizations, or insights a person may have when they are high. For the duration of being high, these ideas may seem truly profound, original, and useful. However, if these ideas turn out the next day to make no sense or be of any use whatsoever then they are, without a doubt, highdeas.

Here are the 25 Best Highdeas of February:

  1. Hating something that lots of people love doesn't automatically make you an interesting person.

  2. The last person you would ever hear say "hey gang" is someone in an actual gang.

  3. I'm at a point in my life where I’m using the phrase "I'm at a point in my life" just a little bit too much.

  4. No matter how lazy I am, I'll never be as lazy as whoever named the “fireplace”.

  5. Driving, just barely ranks in the top 5 things I'm thinking about while I'm driving.

  6. There's both a McDonald's and a blood pressure machine in my local Walmart. Circle of life.

  7. So many studies. A new study reveals that sausages are often linked to other sausages.

  8. If loving you is wrong, I've probably loved you.

  9. When my boss says, "I need this done yesterday!" I have to wonder, how can I possibly be working for someone who doesn't understand how time works.

  10. If the game "Clue" came out in 2021, a loaf of bread would be included as one of the weapons, and one of the killers would be gluten.

  11. Sorry to interrupt, but the story you're sharing reminds me of how much I love attention.

  12. Had my kids write letters to Santa Claus in July, to teach them that you shouldn’t only reach out to people when you want something.

  13. The burrito I had for lunch yesterday was so big that halfway through it, I couldn’t remember a time when I wasn’t eating a burrito.

  14. Everything takes longer than it’s supposed to, except for sex

  15. A Buzzfeed article I’d like to see, “13 Types of Regret You'll Experience After Clicking on an Article That Doesn’t Live Up to its Exaggerated Headline”

  16. Hang on, let me overthink this.

  17. An App that lets you know when the traffic light is green (by Chris Gartin)

  18. When I’m on my deathbed, I hope I have a tan, so everyone will comment on how good I look.

  19. I will always cherish the initial misconception I had about you.

  20. Sometimes I lie awake at night, and ask myself, 'Where have I gone wrong?' and the voice in my head says, 'This is going to take more than one night.'”

  21. I thought I saw The Hamburglar in Times Square but it was just some other Hamburglar, not the real one.

  22. They say that a man reaches his sexual peak at 18 and a woman reaches hers at 35, but they must be talking about minutes.

  23. One thing's for sure, people who don't know the difference between "Your" and "You're" sure have strong opinions on Social Media.

  24. I may not be the best looking, wittiest, smartest, or even the most successful person but…I forget where I was going with this.

  25. My cheating habit started when I was a kid. I used to look at other moms and wonder what their macaroni & cheese tasted like.

