From our forthcoming game, “Clever Girl” conversation cards, here are 25 icebreaker questions to laugh, connect, and get to know people just a little bit better.
(Click here to Support our Kickstarter and receive the beautiful boxed set of 150 cards)
1. What question do people seldom answer honestly?
2. If you could normalize one unusual behavior in society, what would it be?
3. What's the common thread among your closest friends? Shared humor, love for adventure, or a mutual enemy, perhaps?
4. If you could instantly upload one life lesson into every human brain, what's the wisdom you'd share?
5. If you actually had to get a license to have kids, what would the questions be on the test?
6. If you're at Target and want to give the person behind you the creeps, what unholy trio of items are you putting in your cart?
7. If you had to distill all of humanity into just three words, what would they be?
8. You've died and now have access to all of the statistics from your life. What quirky or hilarious life stats would you love to have a peek at in the great beyond?
9. If you could claim credit for creating any piece of art (whether that's a sculpture, song, film, or any other form), which one do you wish you had brought into the world?
10. What backhanded compliments do you find most annoying? "You're so articulate" or "You clean up well," anyone?
11. Which word in the English language would you kick to the curb as your least favorite? Algorithm? Moist? Kale?
12. Do you think your parents' generation was happier than your own? What factors do you believe contribute to differences in happiness between generations?
13. Are there any quotes or mottos that you live by or find particularly inspiring? Share the words of wisdom that resonate with you and help guide your life.
14. When you're in need of a good laugh, what do you do or who do you turn to? Is it a particular comedian, a funny friend, or a specific form of humor that always gets you going?
15. What would you do for fun if you had to give up electricity?
16. If the United States is throwing a house party and the states are people, what is your state doing at the party?
17. What is the best thing about your age?
18. What's one thing people frequently get wrong about you?
19. What is something you have seen on the internet that you can never unsee?
20. Have you ever been surprised by your attraction towards someone?
21. What is the story behind the last time you pretended to be talking to someone on your phone, but no one was there?
22. If you discovered one company was secretly controlling the world, which one would make you think, "That totally makes sense"?
23. What is something you wish people cared less about? How do you think the world would be better if people cared less about it?
24. Picture the other players as young teenagers, and describe what you think their style was.
25. What was your first kiss like?