10 Habits of Creative Geniuses

10 Habits of Creative Geniuses
We are all born with the ability to be creative. Unlike the common myth however, creativity is not in our DNA, nor is it a talent that few are born or gifted with. According to a study by Dr. George Land and Dr. Beth Jarman, mostly everyone, that is 98% of people to be exact, are born creative geniuses. While people continually hope and pray of becoming the next Steve Jobs or Elon Musk, this study helps to prove that the capacity to function and live life as a creative genius lies within mostly everyone.
However, just because 98% of people have the capacity to be a creative genius, does not mean that all these people are functioning at such a high creative level. The fact of the matter is that creative geniuses, like Steve Jobs and Elon Musk, are still rare because so few individuals are actually equipped with the creative skillsets to venture into and succeed in such over-competitive markets.
Creativity is becoming such an essential skill that out of the 1,500 CEOs polled by IBM, 60% cited creativity, over integrity and global thinking, as the most important leadership quality. As necessary of a skill as creativity is becoming, being and living as a creative genius is still available to a majority of the population.
Creative Geniuses are known for being eccentric, and their habits have been widely documented. A brief look into the behaviors, eccentricities, and patterns of creative geniuses throughout history could reveal insight into how these individuals managed to garner and leverage their creative prowess, despite aging.
By compiling a list of common habits amongst creative geniuses, individuals will be better able to tailor a personal routine that re-awakens the qualities of creativity within them. Creative Geniuses are not natural-born prodigies, rather they are a direct product of a strict creative routine and diligent work ethic. While a routine similar to that of a creative genius does not guarantee the onset of greater creative skills, it does encourage individuals to discover a routine that promotes diligence, dedication and productivity.
So, even though you may not necessarily feel like the “creative type,” here are 10 habits that can help you enter a more creative mindset and unlock your creative genius:
1. Daydreaming
Though society has framed daydreaming in a negative context as it can inhibit productivity during the workday, daydreaming is actually a common through line in the behavior of creative geniuses. Daydreaming is a sign that the mind is free-flowing and actually helps to boosts one’s creative thinking. Perhaps the most famed example of a creative genius who used daydreaming to his advantage is that of Albert Einstein, who only after letting his thoughts stray from the mathematics at hand was he able to develop the idea for his theory of relativity. So, if you’re ever feeling stuck or have a creative block, let yourself daydream and space out, as it could be the answer you’ve been looking for all along.
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2. Mindfulness
Though the ability to remain in the present is beneficial to everyone, it is a particularly important skills used by Creative Geniuses to help fuel the intricacies of their creative work. Mindfulness is a key characteristic for creativity as it opens up the mind to innovation and new ideas. In fact, research on the cognitive effects of mindfulness suggest psychological benefits like improved task concentration, enhanced memory, higher levels of empathy, and a positive effect on one’s overall emotional wellbeing. Famed writer, Charles Dickens notoriously took daily three-hour walks in order to break from his rigorous writing schedule. Dickens used this time alone to dive into his own mind and decipher his emotions. It was through these long hours of self-analyzation that Dickens was able to fuel his work with his personal life.
3. Plan and Schedule
Truly creative geniuses know that in order to produce consistent creative work, one must develop a schedule as opposed to just waiting for inspiration to strike. The fact of the matter is that inspiration may not strike at all, but that’s okay considering that creativity is often enhanced by a strict working schedule. William James, a forefather of modern psychology, directly claimed that a strict day-to-day schedule could be a key to unlocking one’s inner daily creative output. A glance at esteemed filmmaker, David Lynch’s life reveals it is rooted in routine. According to an interview, David Lynch is known for keeping a specific, well-tailored routine. Lynch is known to meditate twice a day, wear the same clothes and eat the same lunch and dinner. Though a routine does not need to be followed to the extent of Lynch, having a daily routine could promote creativity, even when you don’t feel creative.
4. Physically Active
Breaking a sweat can also help creative geniuses break a creative rut, pit or block. Research, including a study from Stanford University, seems to be pointing towards the positive impact exercise has on enhancing one’s creative output. The Stanford study revealed that individuals were much more likely to function at a heightened creative level after completing physical exercise outside. Media entrepreneur, Mark Zuckerberg is famous for holding “walk meetings” to get himself active and boost creativity. To rekindle your inner-creative flame, take a daily walk, jog or swim. Get physically active in some way to deviate from your normal schedule.
5. Journaling
Creative Geniuses are quite known for keeping long-term, thorough journals about their lives’ endeavors. Creative geniuses are able to use journaling as another creative outlet where these individuals are better able to express their curiosity, exploration, and overall insights. If you’re looking to re-inspire the creative genius within you, journaling is the perfect way to help you organize your thoughts and develop a plan of action. Not only is journaling beneficial to fueling your curiosity and work ethic, reflective writing also helps to enhance decision-making and critical thinking skills. Perhaps the most famous journal-keeper in American History, Benjamin Franklin’s journals helped collect the inventor’s ideas and curiosities throughout his life. If you’re looking to more frequently enter a creative mindset, consider journaling daily like creative geniuses in the past.
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6. Risk-takers
Creative geniuses are not caught up on being perfect. In fact, creative geniuses, throughout history, are notorious for constantly failing. However, these creative geniuses make it a case to learn something new and valuable from every failure which leads to genuine innovative thinking. Since creativity is born out of the connecting of seemingly unrelated ideas, without risks and without taking chances, then true creativity cannot exist. Think to Leonardo da Vinci, who had no formal schooling, but rather was able to use his existing skills to learn and build new skills through trial and error. Creativity is born when risks are taken, and ultimately, there are worse things than failing like failing and learning nothing.
7. Strategic Substance Indulgence (Cannabis, Coffee, Sugar)
Certain substances are known to help individuals enhance their creative thinking and output. Creative Geniuses have been aware of these substances for century, and a large portion turned to strategically using substances to help drive their work. Strategic substance indulgence is all about moderation and proper dosage as the point is to be able to enter a mindset that promotes not only creativity but also productivity. Coffee is perhaps one of the most utilized substances to fuel creative work. French novelist and playwright, Honoré de Balzac is rumored to have drunk around 60 cups of coffee a day, all while working. Cannabis is also widely utilized by creative geniuses as the substance frees the mind from its typical thought patterns. Famed jazz musician, Louis Armstrong even credited cannabis as the muse for his signature free-flowing style of playing. So, whether your substance of choice is coffee, cannabis, or even sugar, strategic substance indulgence can help you enter a mindset marked by creativity, imagination and innovation.
8. Open-minded
An openness and willingness to new experiences is a key factor to how creative geniuses manage to remain inquisitive, curious and explorative. An open mind, especially in terms of new experiences and perspectives, is linked to higher levels of pattern recognition and divergent thinking. Research even suggests that the quality of creative work is positively impacted when the desire to learn is in part fueling said work. It was only with years of patience, and an open mind that went against the current societal beliefs of the time, that Jane Goodall was able to observe chimpanzees and revolutionize zoology. If you’re looking to build upon and expand your creative mindset, try to exit your comfort zone by trying to learn a new skill, shaking up your exercise routine, or exposing yourself to different books and perspectives of thinking.
9. Out-of-the-box Thinkers
Creative geniuses stand out as independent thinkers in society. As a result of their thinking, many creative geniuses showcase non-conformist behavior that helps to fuel their creative, ‘out of the box’ ideas. Throughout history, creative geniuses have been known to re-invent existing information by making interdisciplinary connections. When posed with a problem, creative geniuses do not think reproductively, that is to say they do not turn to their past to see if they have a possible solution. Rather, creative geniuses remain in the moment and think productively, focusing on generating and connecting ideas to solve the problem. Creative geniuses’ unconventional approach to problem is largely fueled by their non-linear thought patterns. Walt Disney has built his entire empire off ‘outside of the box’ thinking. Disney’s ideation and innovative thinking allowed him to combine imagination and engineering into Imagineering in order to help create the immersive experiences Disney is now renowned for. Encouraging your mind to remain in the present and think productively is essential to re-establishing the creative genius within.
10. Independent
Though creative geniuses tend to spend long portions of time alone, this sense of independence is essential in helping to refuel the creative mind. Solitary, and ultimately being alone, is when creative geniuses are known to come up with their best ideas. Time alone is especially importance as it allows the mind a distraction-free place to ruminate on the problems at hand in hopes of making new, unseen connections. Society tends to frame spending time alone as depressing or a waste of time, however time spent only in one’s own company can help trigger divergent thinking and imaginative ideation. Russian composer, Igor Stravinsky could only compose if he was certain that no one could hear him playing. It’s time to embrace moments of solitude in hopes of enhancing creative thinking and output.