Game Night: Help Us Create a Funny Role Play Game

Creative Awareness
The Game: Help us create a funny role-play game for three or more players, where the object is to make someone laugh. Here is the game's basic jist: A player, "The actor," pulls a card with a specific role-play activity designed to make someone laugh. "The Actor" then decides who in the group they can make laugh and picks a person, "The Target."
If "The Actor" makes the target laugh, they get the point; if the target does not laugh, then the target gets the point. Though there are winners and losers, the game's goal is for everyone to have a hilarious time acting out funny, strange, outrageous scenarios.
The Exercise: come up with funny role-play activities that will make people laugh in 30 seconds.
If we use your suggestion, we will credit you in the game.
If you are really good at this, we may hire you to write for us.
Guidelines: The most successful activities seem to be silly, lewd, or ridiculous role-play activities. Try to be specific in your role plays directions, making it easy for the person to act out. You can even give them specific things to say or do which is always helpful. See some of the examples below. You can also employ mobile phones in activities like impersonating a singer and playing a song to lip sync to it.
Some Examples of Role Play Activities:
You are the Korean "Baby Shark" dance champion. Play the song on your phone and show off the skills that set you apart by dancing in front of the target using just your arms and hands.
You are a buyer at a pig-breeding auction; convince everyone why the target is the best hog of the Bunch.
You are Steve Irwin, and your target is the most beautiful crocodile you’ve ever seen.
Pretend your target is your grandpa and tell them that you can't afford a retirement home, so you're going to put him in a storage unit. Let them know why it will be awesome.
Do some gymnastic dance moves while yelling at the target, "Look at me, Daddy, Look at me, Daddy"
You are JK Rowling; explain the plot of Harry Potter but swap out Harry's name for Target’s name.
You are the Guinness World Record for getting as physically close to someone without touching them. Demonstrate your unique skill to the target.
Pretend your target is a mirror and you are getting dressed in the morning; look into the mirror and comment on how good you look.
You are an expert Kentucky Horse Trainer, and the Target is your prized Philly. Proudly show off your prized horse by walking them around the ring and commenting on their amazing features. Say things like: "I've never seen a horse move like this one.", "I am so proud of this horse and everything they've accomplished.", "This horse is a natural athlete and a joy to train.", "This horse is a real crowd-pleaser.", "I have never seen a horse with such a strong work ethic."
Game NIGHT FUNNY role play game
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